Upgrading e-commerce for expansion to foreign markets
About the project
The operation is co-financed through the public tender “E-POSLOVANJE 2019-2022” and covers the following actions:
- Electronic exchange between partners
- Websites for foreign markets
- Online store
- Product Sales Video
- Employee trainings
The objective of the tender, implemented through the Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy, is to support SMEs to enter or expand their business to foreign markets, by establishing or upgrading e-commerce, and thus improve their international competitiveness.
The purpose of the operation is to support the entry into global value chains and new markets and increase international competitiveness through co-financing the eligible costs of setting up or upgrading e-commerce.
The results of the operation are 1) secure system for electronic exchange between partners, 2) redesigned company website, adapted to business operations in foreign markets, 3) established online store, 4) new promotional video and 5) enhanced competencies of employees in the area of digital transformation.
The amount of co-financing is EUR 29.999,99. The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Link to the EU Funds website:

OBJECTIVE: product development – Phyto Cannabinoid oil, which will be produced from industrial hemp and will be the main ingredient of new natural cosmetic products from hemp.
PARTNERS: Favn d.o.o. in Pharmahemp d.o.o.
DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 6.12.2018 – 5.12.2020
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund

OBJECTIVE: Development of a dietary supplement from medicinal fungi of the Hericium species, which will be the first on the world market to have a standardized and declared content of the key pharmacologically active substance in the fungus – erinicin A.
DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 9.7.2020 – 8.7.2022
PARTNERS: MycoMedica d.o.o. in Pharmahemp d.o.o.
The investment is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.